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Tertiary sector decree

(Tertiary Eco Efficiency Scheme)

The Tertiary Sector Decree, part of the ELAN Law, imposes strict obligations on companies operating in the tertiary sector. We are your dedicated partner to help you understand, respond to and transform these obligations into opportunities for sustainable growth.

Who is concerned?

  • Tenant or owner (public or private sector)
  • Surface area dedicated to tertiary activities: 1000m²+ (on the same site)
  • The Tertiary Decree completes the ELAN Law

What is your objective?

  • Comply with current regulations
  • Turn the energy obligations of the Tertiary Decree into an opportunity for growth
  • Boost your CSR commitment to your employees and reduce your carbon footprint

What is the tertiary sector decree?

Understanding the obligations of the tertiary sector decree is the first crucial step for businesses. The decree applies to tenants or owners, whether in the public or private sector, whose tertiary activities occupy more than 1000m² on a single site.

Companies subject to the tertiary sector decree must gradually reduce the energy consumption of their buildings. This reduction must reach 40% by 2030, 50% by 2040, and finally 60% by 2050.

The tertiary sector decree is therefore an opportunity for companies to reduce their environmental impact by committing their buildings to a low-energy approach.

What are the risks?

The tertiary sector decree imposes strict obligations on building owners and tenants. However, the consequences of non-compliance with these rules may result in penalties:

Financial penalties

A fine of €1,500 for individuals and up to €7,500 for tenants and owners.

Formal notice

Failure to provide information may result in a formal notice being served by the prefect.

Name and shame

Companies and players who fail to comply with the regulations will have their names published on a government platform accessible to everyone, damaging their reputation and brand image.

Responding to the tertiary sector decree with Cleaneo

We mobilize our expertise to meet your specific challenges.

Reporting analysis

Cleaneo assists companies in defining the reporting perimeter, putting in place an effective structure for collecting historical and building data. In addition, we clarify responsibilities within the tertiary eco-efficiency scheme to ensure a clear understanding of roles.



Preparing for compliance

Knowing your building’s energy consumption is the first step in complying with the tertiary sector decree. We assess the optimum reference year, laying the foundations for compliance. Consumption reduction targets by category of activity are defined, and Cleaneo assesses the organisational impact, anticipating the adjustments needed to ensure a smooth transition to compliance.

Setting up a monitoring system for annual energy consumption

Cleaneo is assisting with the initialisation of the OPERAT digital platform, transmitting reference situation data, annual consumption data and building data. We will set up an energy consumption monitoring platform to track consumption and manage the energy performance process.



Energy audit

Cleaneo proposes to carry out an exhaustive energy audit of the installations and equipment in the buildings concerned in order to define the optimal scenarios for improving energy performance, thereby meeting the objectives imposed by the scheme.

Study of target adjustments and personalised advice

We identify possible adjustments to targets, adapting the strategy to suit specific needs. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of technical studies prepared for ADEME.


Work with us to successfully navigate the energy transition, turn constraints into opportunities, and boost your CSR commitment. Let’s work together to draw up an action plan to reduce energy consumption in your buildings.